Brand Identity + Graphic Design

An appealing and consistent gathering of elements around a unified concept makes a message—and an institution—more powerful. My twenty years as a creative professional, my skills in typography, layout, and color, and my comprehensive approach to design are what will make your image and product stand out.

Publication Design

There is nothing quite like the feeling of holding your finished work in your hands. From choosing the dimensions of the closed piece versus the open spread, to paper selection (coated or uncoated, weight, color) and bindery options, designing a publication means creating an artifact. Let yours be something others wish to hold on to and revisit time and again.

Presentation Design

If you’re looking to elevate your presentation for a lasting impression, let me add the right amount of visual variety and story pacing to give your message impact and keep your audience engaged.

Exhibition Design

Using scale, color, and typography to activate a three-dimensional space enhances a visitor’s understanding of the artwork around them. The design of title walls, gallery guides, didactics, timelines, and interactive elements can all play a role in creating a proper mood and atmosphere.